Thursday, October 4, 2007

Crazy Nights

I really think I am loosing it. I know I say that a lot but I think that I am loosing it for real. Last night, I have this dream that I looked up out of bed and saw a wolf spider hanging over my face. So I wake my wife up to turn the lights on so I can kill it. She tells me that I am asleep. But I am so convinced that it is there that I convince her that it is there. Well she turns the lights on and nothing. So I take a couple of pictures off the wall just to check and lay back down. Still not convinced that it is not there. Now that I am awake it all seems kind of foolish. I really hate listening to other peoples dreams, so I won't bore you with my crazy dreams, but I think lately I have been bombarded with the weirdest dreams possible. While I was hunkered down hunting white tails the other day I fell asleep and went into some crazy dream state. Sometimes I get dreams that have no business being there. Thoughts that I hadn't thought about for 20 years, Characters that I haven't seen for years or even thought about for years just pop in and say hi. It kind of makes me wonder what triggers all of it. Sometimes I go for certain periods without the craziness and others I get pretty active in my sleep. I am pretty sure that my wife thinks I have lost it but she cant say much. Sometimes I wake up and she is hitting me telling me that I stink. Now everyone knows that I don't stink. I think that I am a pretty good smelling guy. I can't figure that one out. I'm just glad that I am not a violent sleeper like my wife.


Chellie said...

Maybe you're pregnant.
Being pregnant causes the craziest of all dreams.

Dave Riddle said...

Mm-Ya know I never thought of that. If thats the case, you tell Damien that I will be seein' him on Maury Povich.