Friday, November 30, 2007

Another Friday. Another Long Friday.

I guess it isn't too long. I am taking off at noon to go Elk Hunting. It is really cold today so it should make for some good hunting. It has been cold all week. In about 45 mins I will be sighting my 300 Ultra Mag in. In about 3 hours I will be aiming at an elk and In about 3 hours and 5 seconds I will be pulling the trigger on an elk and in about3 hours and 2 minutes I will be gutting and elk and in about 4 hours I will begin draggin my elk to the truck, and in about 20 hours I will have it to the truck, and then I will be done.

Oh yeah and It will be cold. It is almost noon at it is only 19 degrees F.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Pay it forward

I Just recieved a Southern Gift in the mail from Miandmiksmom, and I guess I better play the game as well. So here goes.

If you are one of the first three to comment you will receive a fun little gift from me! Here are the rules:You must be one of the first 3 people to comment requesting to join the exchange.The only thing you have to do in return is "pay it forward" by making the same promise to 3 people on your blog. (So, you must have a blog to participate.)
If you are one of the first three, please send me your mailing address

Get it on.

I don't know if I have 3 readers anymore??

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Iv'e been snowed out, so the bridge process will be on hold until after the Holiday. So I thought that I would post a few pictures of my bridge project so you can see what I have been up to for the last month. I have been enjoying the work and it has been nice to be out of the office. Perhaps I will even be able to post something with some substance later today.

Somedays we have bad days at the bridge.

Somedays we have cold days.

Somedays we have warm days. (This is the old bridge that we are replacing)

The view from the bridge site is spectacular.

Juan is the guy in the middle.
Juan+Snakes=No Bueno

Crane+Powerlines=No Bueno

Every day at lunch we have a Fiesta. I bring the Deer Meat, the crews bring the rest.
Mexican Fiesta+Dave=Bueno
I guess I didn't post many pictures of the construction. I will do that later. I have been loving the work. I have forgotten how long the days can actually be inside the office.


I don't imagine that during my absence that I have retained any of my blog readers but I think that I will write a few things that I am thankful for.

I'm Thankful for God. It amazes me that the Most significant of anything significant is aware of someone as insignificant as I am. It amazes me that He hears everything I say and is aware of everything that I do, and still manages to give me a certain feeling of peace and a certain feeling that tells me he loves me.

I'm Thankful for Jesus Christ who lived a life to give me a perfect example, loved me enough to suffer for my sins, and lived again so that I could conquer death. I don't understand it all but my feelings give me enough reason to believe in it.

I'm Thankful for my Family. I'm thankful for a Wife that is patient, funny, loving, a good mother, beautiful, smart, and a best friend who brings sunshine into the dark parts of my life. A wife that after 8 years I am still madly in love with. I'm Thankful for a little boy that lifts my heart every time I see him and helps me feel a love that I would have never comprehended before. I'm thankful for Parents that never gave me a bad example, never made me feel unloved, never fought in front of me, and never gave up on me even when I did. I'm thankful for Brothers that I can talk to, hunt with, fight with, and play with, Brothers who understand me, have my same ideals, and no matter what always have my back. I'm thankful for my wife's family who's love made it easy to become my family.

I'm thankful for the USA. I'm thankful for freedom, for the people who gave their lives for it and give their lives for it every day. One nation under God.

I'm thankful for Friends. I don't have a lot of friends. I guess I am picky, or perhaps the friends I do have are not picky. Either way, I am glad to have a few. The few friends that I have, I trust and I guess that's all that matters.

I'm Thankful for Life. I'm thankful for the ups and the downs, the ups because they are ups and the downs because sometimes the downs are the only way humble me enough to grow. There have been times that I have smiled so big that you could see it from the moon and times that even crying didn't make me feel better. I have had good friends and I have had bad friends. I have been a good friend and I have been a bad friend. I've had my touchdowns and I have had days that I felt like punting. But I can't deny the fact that I have had a good life and I am thankful for that.

My life is about as close to fairy tale as it gets. I don't know why. I am aware that where much is given much is required. I don't know how I will ever keep up.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Degenerate Blog

To my friends in Blogworld.
I know that my blog, has of lately sucked something serious. I haven't meant to just drop off the face of the planet. I have been on my bridge project and have had to be on site all day, every day. I imagine that regular readers of my blog may have found that their IQ has made a major jump in my absence.
I guess that I could continue my writing at home, but I have found that when I get home from work, that the last thing that I would want to do is turn a computer on.
I will try to do better, but I cannot promise anything until I have a little stability in my project schedule.
Just so everyone knows, I love you all, I am happy, my family is happy and healthy, all is well, and I hope that everyone is happy too.
I've gotta say, the area that I am working in is absolutely beautiful. I will have to post some pictures.
