After 8 years of pestering, last night my wife finally agreed to buy a deer tag and let me take her out to kill a buck. I hunt a lot. I probably hunt more than a man should hunt but I can't help it. I'm addicted. My addiction got worse and out of control when I moved to Wyoming. I think that as my addiction spiraled out of control my pestering and influence for my wife to hunt got worse. Last night she broke. I promised her something big and she bought a tag. I had to make a few shady deals in which if she shot a nice buck I would take a full Saturday and take her to scrapbook stores and spend all day scrap booking, and I would have to make a scrapbook page myself. (I know that is asking a lot but I was desperate.) With all of these big bucks around us, I needed my wife to take advantage of it. So last night we loaded up and went hunting. I took her to my best spot. I wanted so bad for her to kill a nice buck. I knew if I got her onto a buck she would be able to shoot it. My wife surprisingly, is an excellent shot. I don't know why she just comes at shooting naturally.
So we get to the hunting area and right off we were seeing bucks. Nothing up to my wife's standard. After driving around for about an hour we came upon a heard of about 8 deer, mostly bucks. I was spotting, and I saw him about 200 yards away. I could see that he was a big one. Cindy was looking through the scope sizing up the deer. I asked: "do you see that big dawg?" She said: "yeah" I said "take him." She said "he is facing me". I said "wait for him to turn broadside". He turned broadside. I said "TAKE HIM" in a loud whisper. "TAKE HIM" I said again. "TAKE....." BOOOM! I watched the bullet slam right into the heart. The buck dropped like a ton of bricks. I think I started break dancing right there. I pulled off a perfect robot and three cycles of the worm. What a shot! Perfect placement. After she shot him she asked me how big he was, I said "I'm not sure, but I know he is big". My wife said "it better not be a two point". It wasn't a two point. As we walked up on him we realized what a monster she had shot. I was like a little kid in a candy store. I wanted to make out. :) My wife thought giving her five and a hug would be more appropriate. (Sorry I get my feelings a little confused sometimes :)) I guess that was good enough.
Of all the deer that I have killed I don't remember enjoying it as much as enjoyed watching my wife kill that buck last night. I don't know why I got such a kick out of it. I guess you get my two addictions together (Cindy and Deer hunting) anf I get a little out of control. Cindy tried to play it off as cool as she could but I know deep down inside she was excited as I was. She may have not been break dancing but her smile told the story. We guessed the buck had to have weighed over three hundred pounds. We only had to drag it 200 yards but that was a killer. I had to get help from a buddy to load it into the truck. I hung it up in the barn and it broke three ropes. Finally I had to settle for a ratchet strap.
I'm so proud of MY wife, the Great White Hunter.
Also, I hope this is a lesson to everyone who has been invited out to a special "Wild Wyoming Dave Riddle Buck hunt" and didn't accept.
Whoohoo! It's good to see someone in the family can hold their composure and drop the hammer on a true pig. When we having a venison fry? I'd like to see some video of you break dancing, because that would be a sight.
I won't get into how I feel about that animal being shot..
But what I will say is that a day scrapbook shopping is awesome! Oh, and to watch you break-dance would be pretty cool too.
Casper Cowboy-Yeah my wife can hold her composure a little better than I can. My breakdancing would probably be dull compared to the dancing you have been watching at Northern Dreams. However I would expect a tip.
Chel-To help you feel better about that animal being shot. I want you to know that he was old and wouldn't have lived much longer. If allowed to live much longer his death would have come by a pack of coyotes ripping flesh from his body one bite at a time until he lost enough blood to pass out. I eat the meat. I hunt for the meat, my wife hunts for the meat. Horns are a nice bonus but not the reason we kill. I believe I have seen you eat a hamburger. Hamburger is made from pork and beef. Those were all animals that had to be killed for you to eat them. I have seen pigs and cows slaughtered and I can assure you that those beautiful animals suffered worse than Cindy's deer. I am glad that you didn't get into how you felt about that animal being shot because until you become a vegetarian (or even better a vegan) you are as guilty as I am. Also you would have to get a navigator with vynl seats (I don't think they come in anything other than leather?) and those leather couches? Yep gotta be pleather.
On another note, I don't like scrapbooking because it kills so many beautiful trees to supply the habit.
On another note, I am an excellent breakdancer. but I don't know how people feel about that.
Congratulations Cindy! Awesome buck. Aunt Cindi
Chel-My wife thought I sounded serious in my last comment, and noted that readers couldn't see my smart A$$ smile as I wrote it. So let it be clear that my last post was in good fun witout malice. :)
Aunt Cindi, I will pass it on to her.
Wahoo! You go Girl! I'm really impressed...with the buck, scrapbooking AND the break dancing. Man, you guys live the life!
WTG, Cindy! That is an awesome Buck!
Dave, do you breakdance for the missionaries or just wrestle them?
miandmiksmom-Sometimes I think we live too much of the life. But we have been definately blessed.
rikkisixx-I only wrestle the young elders. I try not to breakdance too much because it's hard on my spleen???
LOL... I just read that now! Don't get me wrong... I'm all for the animals being shot and I use and have MANY things that are because people kill animals-- I just couldn't be the one to do it... that's all. I wouldn't knock the tree down either...
Will you ask Cindy if she will kill a croc for me?
I'm dying for a croc skin purse.
Chel- I'm glad that you have clarified yourself. For a minute there I thought you were going to start preaching pro-hillary stuff.
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