Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Demasculanization of Society:Part 2

Last Friday we went to a Christmas party at church. It was a nice program, good dinner, a talent show, some music, and Santa.
My little family and I sat down near some friends and sat back and enjoyed the show while eating.
At one point a singing group from the local High school performed. A couple of girls from the church were in the group and though I'm not really into that kind of stuff, admit that I enjoyed it for the first 15 seconds. That is until I noticed one of the boys in the group. There was this boy prancing around with purple highlights in his hair, femininity radiating so strongly that the girls in the group seemed to morph into men.
My gaydar went off so loud that I actually looked around to see if any one else heard it.
I started to feel uncomfortable. I just wanted to stand up and yell; "Holy Crap, am I the only one who just noticed that there is a homo in Wyoming?"
I looked down the table for my friend Todd. His gaydar had to have gone off, he would have to be looking around.
To my disappointment he was just sitting there acting like he was enjoying the show.
I looked down and noticed that his wife was holding the handle of a fork that was embedded into Todd's left hand pinning it to the table.
I could see that the snooze button had been pushed on Todd's gaydar alarm.
I looked across the table at one of more masculine of the two missionaries. Nothing.
I looked over at my wife thinking surely she would have some sort of 'gaydar by association' just from being my wife.
Perhaps it went off on her and she would appreciate one of my comments.
I was wrong,I could clearly see that she was enjoying the show without prejudice.
There I was left to my own thoughts and designs.
These are my thoughts:
How could this happen? In the past 15 years there has been such a radical change in society that it is now popular for Tinkerbell to flutter his delicate wings out into society and yell: "I'm gaaay and you have to accept it asth normal or you are violating my thivil righths!"
How did this happen?
My new theory?
Cartoons and children's shows.
What the heck happened to good cartoons? When I was a kid we had He-Man now it's Pokey-Man. Enough said.
When I was a kid We had Sesame Street, that show was hard core, I mean they taught you street skills like how to steel Cookies like a monster, how to count with a vampire, and Play with grouchy dudes that lived in trash cans. Sure Burt and Ernie were gay but they kept it in the closet.
Now kids have the fricken 'Wiggles' I mean come on! There is nothing gayer than a bunch of British dudes dancing around with a fricken octopus. Captain Feathersword? What the crap? Yeah that's pretty darn gay in my book.
When I was a kid we had Transformers. Robots that turned into cars and guns that killed each other. Thats masculine!
Now kids have Sponge Bob square pants. Oh yeah, nothing like a sponge eating crabby patties to raise the testosterone levels.
When I was a boy we had shows like The Fall Guy, a stuntman that moonlighted as a bounty hunter with a secret compartment in the bed of his truck.
We had the A-Team, a team of crack commandos who were convicted of a crime that they didn't commit. If someone was in trouble the A-Team showed up with Mr.T and welded some badass invention together and beat the crap out of the bad guys.
I remember as a kid dreaming about being the fall guy or one of the A-Team.
Now kids get to watch shows like Will and Grace and Queer Eye for the straight Guy.
There isn't a TV show on today that doesn't have a queer part.
I fricken can't stand it.
Lifetime Television for women should have its name changed to Lifetime Television for homosexuals and Lesbians.
I'm to the point that I don't even think I'll let my boy watch TV unless its a sporting event or the outdoor channel.
I know what you are thinking, Dave has so much masculinity in his blood that his kid could watch Queer Eye for the straight guy all day every day and still define manhood, and you are probably right but my manliness is an exception to the rules.
All of these borderline "bicurios" kids are almost shoved over the fence to Sodom and Gomorrah by the Reverend Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow push coalition.
I seriously didn't watch the show King of Queens for the first year of it's airing because I thought it was about homosexuals.

Ladies and Gentlemen homosexuality is not a civil rights issue it is a wicked practice.

Turn off the television shows that teach homosexuality as a norm and turn on wholesome entertainment like Ultimate Fighting.

Let us all band together and Remasculanate society.


Chellie said...

Right on. I completely agree with you about the cartoons... what the??? We are very careful about what is on our TV (even though it's not on that often).

Ultimate Fighting is the norm in our household!

Anonymous said...

Dave, If I remember correctly your favorite show on Saturday morning was Pee Wee's play house when you were a kid. I know you couldn't wait for the "word of the day". Did't you have a cowboy Curtis doll?

Dave Riddle said...

I don't even know what you are talking about.

john said...