Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Master Cleanse: Day 1

Master Cleanse, Have you heard of it? You mix Lemon juice, Cayenne pepper, and Maple syrup into a delicious drink and you live off of it for two weeks.
You get 2 liters of the crap and you drink a bunch of water during the day and at night you drink a liter of saltwater and crap your guts out.
Sounds awesome huh?
My little bro was telling me about it and, well after a heavy Thanksgiving, I've decided to give it a shot.
My goal it to make it 10 days. My little bro only made it three.
Iv'e decided to keep a journal of my experience.

Day 1
So far this master cleanse isn't so bad. The drink is really good and is really taking care of any hunger pains.
I've had to pee at least 75 times today, luckily for me, I really enjoy peeing.
Though I'm looking forward to having a clean colon, I'm not looking forward to the saltwater flush later tonight.
Monte, a guy that I work with keeps coming in and offering me chips and candy. I just smile and brag on my will power.
While using the restroom I found a penny on the floor next to the urinal. After a little work, I got it unstuck from the floor and put it in my pocket.
I can tell this master cleanse will bring me much more luck in the future.


Chellie said...

Yeah, the cleanse is awesome! The bad part about the 10 days is that you do get hungry... but you also lose 10-15 lbs.
I thought the drink was good too.

MiandMiksmom said...

Please tell me you're kidding...

Dave Riddle said...

Chel-Yeah last night I got a little hungry.
I remember you mentioning doing this a while ago.
How long did you last?

M&M's mom-
No kidding here.
dumbest man alive
dumbest man alive.

Anonymous said...

I did it for 30 days.