Friday, December 12, 2008

Master Cleanse: Day 7 ,8,9 &10

Day 7: I've got to admit wasn't hungry any more but pretty weak

Day 8: My wife told me that My eyes looked sunken in and my face was pale. Other than being extremely tired I was doing ok.

Day 9: I decided that I needed to reintroduce food back into my system slowly so I ate a banana and a granola bar during the day oh and a whopper Jr last night.

Day 10: Today is going to be my big eating day so I will eat a little until a big dinner.

Today will wrap up my master cleanse.
I'll have to admit, I do feel better today than I did a week ago. I'm not as hungry and feel a little lighter on my feet.
I quit caffeine about three days before master cleanse, and to be honest I really don't crave it any more. That may not seem like much but If you were familiar with my daily caffeine intake it puts thing into perspective.
So here I am decaffeinated, and to be perfectly honest, I'm happier and feel better.
I don't think I'm as edgy and I don't think about punching people all the time.
Perhaps there is something to that.
I don't know If I will ever fully endorse master cleanse because It's a chick diet.
I will endorse it for the fact that I think it flushes your system and I think its a good way to kick some bad habits.
I also think that sometimes we get sloppy with our eating and overdue it to the point that we loose control. This kind of gives that control back.

That is if you are man enough to do it.

Oh yeah,

I quit my job at the king and went back to my old engineering firm an begged for my job back. After a few tears were shed they welcomed me with open arms.


Chellie said...

you're alive... I was getting worried.

I did this before, remember when I blogged about it about 19 months ago (just before I had Scarlet) and you left a comment being against it? :) Well, I think I've convinced Dame to do it, but he says there is NO WAY he can give Diet Pepsi... ever. at. all.

Way to go! Sounds like it was a good thing for you, even though you cheated a little. :)

Chellie said...

give *up Diet Pepsi. (oops)

Anonymous said...

All I know is that music selection you've got going on here pretty much cleansed me. I ran screaming out of the room and hurled for about an hour.