Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A New Day

It is a new day, the grass is green, another beautiful day in Sheridan and I am feeling good. I think that I will avoid my political ramblings and critisizms and write about good things.

I read something this morning and thought it was significant. The statement was "Duty drives you to do something, love drives you to do it well."

How often do we say that we love something and actually mean it?

What about God? I don't know many people that would deny loving God. I dont know many people that would day say they didn't love God. If we love God do we serve him out of a sence of Duty or do we serve him out of a sence of love? If is love, are we serving him more than just the bare minimum?

Just something to think about.

I am going fishing this weekend on the Big Horn River in Montana, It is a world class trout stream and I am pretty stoked about it. I think it will be a good time. We will float about 7 miles of stream. I love fishing and I want to say I do it well but when I am with people that do it better than I do I realize that maybe I am not as good as I thought I was. But that doesn't mean that I don't love fishing.

I guess I will change my statement: "Duty drives you to do something, love drives you to do the best you can"

I think that is all that God expects out of us, the best we can. So go and do the best you can.

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