Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I guess I have been tagged and I guess that means that I have to answer a bunch of questions. So here goes.

1.How old is your blog?3 months old.

2. How would you categorize your blog? Random insanity mingled with sanity.

3. Are the photos you post Photoshopped or otherwise altered?No. I is who I is

4. Do you lie in your blog?No. not even on fish size.

5. Are you passive-aggressive in your blog? I will let you be the judge of that sucker.

6. Do you ever threaten to quit writing so people will tell you not to stop?No. I don't imagine that I would have anyone beg me not to write.

7. Have you deleted any of your own posts? Why? No, I have however written a couple of posts and didn't post them in fear of the outcome.

8. Do you delete mean comments?No. I welcome mean comments. I look forward to them because I they give me a chance to reply.

9. If your readers knew you in person, would they like you more or like you less?That's a tough one. I think that I am an acquired taste. If you like my blog you would probably like me. If you don't like my blog you probably wouldn't like me.

10. How many blogs do you follow?I have a hard time following my own blog. I think that I need to learn to follow myself before I venture out on being a good follower. I do check in time to time on a few others.

11. Which blogger do you want to meet in real life?All of them. Hows that for a cop out?

12. Does your family read your blog? I think when they are extremely bored.

13. Do you have a hit counter? Yes How often do you check it?Not very often. Sometimes I hit myself like 20 times in a row so I look popular.

14. Is blogging narcissistic?depends

15. Do you feel guilty when you don't post for a long time?Yes. I think that I owe it to my fan base to give regular blogs.

Bonus: Do you try to look hot when you go to the grocery store just in case someone recognizes you from your blog? I think that I am the only person in Wyoming with a computer. I am not sure that I would ever be recognised. Plus, I don't have to "try" to look hot. Come on.

list 7 random things about me...

1. When I was 18 I fried my brain mixing PVC glue during the summer
2. I wear a 7 and 3/4 sized hat.
3. I spend an hour each night calling random people trying to get their social security numbers to sell over the Internet. Just kidding. I like to say random "crap" for the shock value.
4. I am 30 years old and still can't grow a very good beard.
5. I wanted to be an air force pilot until about 10th grade but decided not to because I was afraid of the math. So later I became an engineer-go figure.
6. My middle name is the initial G. and it doesn't stand for anything.
7. When I was a kid my dad told me his innie belly button was from getting shot with an arrow by an Indian. I believed the story until I was ten.


Chellie said...

That is really funny about your belly button story... poor kid. It must have been that big head of yours; people thought they could fill it full of crap.

Dave Riddle said...

Ya know in some countries I would be worshipped for my head size.

Anonymous said...

Dave, this is mom...The "G" in you name stands for several things..."Grandpa", "Grant"...Grandpa Z's middle name and "Gyle"...Grandpa Riddle's name. Dad and I just didn't think David Grandpa Gyle Grant Riddle was the kind of name a man should pack around for his entire life. (I can't believe you didn't know this life changing information.) Love You.